Self-Study of Practice Methodologies and Thriving Communities

How we build our schools is how we build our communities. The work of teachers matters.

-Cher Hill

My research focuses on the contexts of our work as teachers and teacher-educators, particularly during challenging times. 

My colleagues — Dr. Paula Rosehart, Janice St. Helene, Sarine Sadhara, Dr. Awneet Sivia, Dr. Margaret MacDonald, Kau’i Kelliipio and Neva Whintors — and I have explored this line of scholarship through a series of papers investigating the impact of COVID on teaching and learning. This historical period of change and uncertainty became a catalyst for us to problematize educational systems, to illuminate inequitable structures and vulnerabilities, to highlight the adaptive professionalism of teachers, and to re-envision our work as educators within a context of hope.

My scholarship makes visible and celebrates the endearing and creative capacities of educators to contribute to thriving communities.

Teacher Polooza! In August 2024 Dr. Paula Rosehart and I celebrated the creative, caring, ingenious, amazing, and above-and-beyond things that teachers do to support children and families. The purpose of this now annual event was to honour teachers and celebrate their work in ways that are amplified within the public discourse.

Related Publications

Hill, C., & MacDonald, M. (2023). Teaching with the virus: Socio-material assemblages and the production of schooling. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 69(4), 473-491.
Rosehart, P., Hill, C., Sivia, A., St. Helene, J. & Sadhra, S. (2022). Seeking serendipity: Teacher educators as adaptive experts during COVID. Journal of Education for Teaching, 1-15.
Hill, C., Rosehart, P., St. Helene, J. & Sadhra, S. (2020). What kind of educator does the world need today? Reimagining teacher education in post-pandemic Canada. Journal of Education for Teaching, 46, 565-575.
MacDonald, M., & Hill, C. (2021). The Educational impact of the COVID-19 rapid response to teachers, students, and families. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, 15, 1-15.