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focused on areas of study that contribute to thriving communities, including land-centred and anti-colonial education


Invested in advancing educative experiences that contribute to more connected, thriving, and just communities


community-engaged researcher, practitioner-scholar, and award-winning  educator.

Cher Hill, PhD

Cher Hill, PhD

Cher Hill, PhD is a community-engaged researcher, a practitioner-scholar, and an award-winning educator. She is deeply invested in advancing educative experiences that contribute to more connected, thriving, and just communities.


Central to Dr. Hill’s work is collaborative knowledge creation and mobilization that spans diverse knowledge systems. For Cher, knowledge and action are intertwined. She prioritizes projects that have the potential to contribute to flourishing within communities (both human and more-than-human). As a scholar she focuses on three areas of study that contribute to thriving communities, including land-centred and anti-colonial education, the creative capacities of educators, and practitioner-research methodologies.

To know and deeply connect with the land is a sacred right that must be nurtured by all educators.

Having regular access to the same green space is paramount for learners in coming to intimately know the territories they are on and the beings who lived there, and in developing caring, joyful, and profoundly meaningful relationships with place.

Featured Projects

Land-centred Learning and Thriving Communities

As scholar I am deeply committed to research that advances anti-colonial, relational land-centred, and critical place-based learning. As an educator, I endeavour to support learners in developing joyful, educative, and caring relationships with the land.

Contexts of Schooling, the Work of Educators, and Thriving Communities

My research focuses on the contexts of our work as teachers and teacher-educators, particularly during challenging times. 

Self-Study of Practice Methodologies and Thriving Communities

Through research into our own practices as educators, we complexify our understandings of the specific contexts in which we teach and can better respond to the communities that we serve.

Interested In Connecting?

Contact me for more information about my research and projects, or regarding the possibility of consultation or graduate supervision.